Latest Technology

Kodak 8100 3D CT Scanner

KODAK 8100 3D CT Scanner

Dr. Raffi Leblebijian is committed to offering the latest in technology and treatment options. He recently augmented his office technology with a KODAK 8100 3D imaging system in our dental office Chicago, IL, the invention of which has revolutionized patient diagnosis and treatment. As a patient, this new advancement in the way doctors take x-rays will benefit you through improved accuracy and efficiency in your dental care – saving you time and money in the long run.

Here are a few important ways the KODAK 8100 3D imaging system can benefit you:

  • Digital images – no waiting for results from a radiography lab
  • Detailed, 3D images of your mouth which allows Dr. Raffi to diagnose with unparalleled accuracy
  • Comfort – the KODAK 8100 allows patients to sit comfortably during the scanning process
  • Less radiation for improved safety
  • Focused field of exposure, so brain and eyes will not be affected by radiation

The quality of the images captured by the KODAK 8100 allows Dr. Raffi to diagnose pathology and prescribe treatment options with unprecedented certainty. By examining the three-dimensional image of your mouth produced by the CBCT (cone beam computed tomography) scan in Chicago, IL, Dr. Raffi can see exactly where to place dental implants, how to extract wisdom teeth, and the degree of bone loss surrounding a missing tooth. The KODAK 8100 focuses only on the area in need of treatment, so the level of radiation exposure is 10-30 times less than other dental radiography systems. For patients, improved accuracy in diagnosis means fewer office visits and less costly means of finding the best possible treatment.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Raffi to find out if you could benefit from a CBCT scan.

TRIOS 3Shape in Chicago, IL

TRIOS 3Shape

The TRIOS 3Shape is a state-of-the-art digital impression system that eliminates the need for messy putty in your mouth. With our TRIOS 3Shape, Dr. Raffi can digitally capture a detailed 3D model of your teeth and gums. Not only is this process far more comfortable than the old putty based impressions, but it’s faster and can offer a superior clinical endpoint.

During the impression process, you can breathe or swallow as you normally would. You can even pause during the process if you need to sneeze or just want to ask a question.

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Dr. Raffi General & Implant Dentistry
6215 W Touhy Ave Chicago IL 60646
1-773-792-1043 USD Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, Most Dental Insurance Plans, CareCredit
Raffi Leblebijian Doctor